Professional Experience

COO | Motif Neurotech | 2024-Present

Motif is a mental health company providing miniaturized, simple, neural implants to help treat disorders such as treatment resistant depression. At Motif I work as an operations generalist, helping to manage our finance, regulatory, quality, HR, and manufacturing functions.

CEO | Neuromatch | 2022-Present

Neuromatch’s mission is to accelerate scientific innovation by broadening participation in the computational sciences. We work on this goal by providing accessible and equitable scientific training, networking, professional development, and career opportunities. Neuromatch is the largest graduate-level neuroscience education program in the world and is on track to be a global research institute in the near future. The organization is a 501(c)(3) corporation and is made possible through the work of volunteers from around the globe. While our specialties started us on neuroscience as our first domain, the mission of Neuromatch is domain agnostic and covers computational neuroscience, climate science, AI, deep learning, and NeuroAI.

Advisor | Motif | 2022-Present

Motif is an implantable neuromodulation startup lead by Jacob Robinson that uses his lab’s novel magnetic foil power and data transfer technology to enable a variety of implantable therapies.

Co-Founder | Sella Therapies | 2020-2022

Sella Therapaies is developing an implantable neuromodulation device that provides whole body, holistic, pain relief. I have no title on the team and work where needed, though my activities tend to fall in operations, quality, regulatory, and product management/market characterization.

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer | Braingrade | 2020-2022

Braingrade is developing neural implants for cognitive enhancement. Our first indication is Alzheimer’s Disease. As COO, I complement the CEO by providing scientific, regulatory, quality, and systems engineering expertise to the leadership team.

Consulting | Glacier Consulting (Sole Proprietorship) | 2020-Present

I provide(d) consulting through my sole proprietorship, providing services to neurotechnology and medical device companies in the form of early regulatory strategy, quality management system development, product strategy, and operations implementation.

Product Manager | Blackrock Microsystems | 2017-2020

I worked with both internal and external stakeholders to bring new medical devices to market that met the needs of clinicians and researchers alike. I wrote a company strategy, along with the CEO, that lead to 100% growth in the targeted market segment, and I oversaw submissions to both the European and US regulatory bodies (CE and FDA).

Support Engineering Manager | Blackrock Microsystems | 2016-2020

I leveraged the highly skilled background of the support engineering team members, taking the role beyond technical support and into product management, regulatory affairs, and business development. Without increasing total number of employees, the support team is now responsible for gathering design requirements, serving as project managers on engineering projects (including budget), managing all investigational device exemptions for the company, writing grants, performing on-site and remote workshops, and training new employees. Job satisfaction grew to 100% for my department and Blackrock’s customer recommend rate went from 60% to near 100%.

Software Project Manager | Blackrock Microsystems | 2014-2015

This was a temporary role to kickstart the software team with new project management tools, including source control, a testing unit, and new team members. I created a software design control process, implemented new source control and project management tools, and changed our testing paradigm. This lead to us tripling our software release output and lowering bug resolution times by 50%.

Co-Founder | Dark Flight | 2014-2017

Served as technical lead alongside my designer/marketing oriented co-founder. We built games for tabletop and mobile platforms. Given the entrepreneurial nature of this role, I wore many hats but generally was responsible for software development, legal matters, and operations and process. I exited the company in 2017 as it grew beyond my capabilities of handling it on the side.

Support Engineer | Blackrock Microsystems | 2013-2015

Support serves a central role in Blackrock’s company structure, filling gaps in many different functions throughout the company. In this role, I trained researchers and clinicians that were new to Blackrock electrophysiology equipment, solved technical issues through software, electrical, and surgical expertise, and served as coordinator between finance, manufacturing/operations, and sales. My success in this role set support aside as a separate department and accelerated me into the managerial role above.

Quality Control Engineer | Biofire Diagnostics | 2012-2013

Evaluated Biofire’s genetic assays for consistency and quality. Developed methodology and reporting techniques to find problematic processing steps for various assay types.

Research Experience

Research Assistant | University of Utah | David Strayer | 2010-2012

Performed cognitive neuroscience research in the areas of attention and working memory through recruitment of participants, task creation, and administration of the protocol.

Research Assistant | Westminster College | Ross Costa | 2011-2012

I was able to bring some of the above research back to Westminster College by facilitating a cross-institutional study that involved later hiring a University of Utah adjunct into Westminster College faculty.

EEG Lab Manager | Westminster College | 2010-2012

Facilitated a variety of research studies at Westminster College by maintaining their EEG lab. This included scheduling lab time, installing the equipment, programming tasks, and training students and PIs.

Research Coursework | Westminster College | 2009-2012

Due to low student to professor ratio at Westminster, almost all coursework is research-based. In classes like “Cellular Neuroscience”, “Advanced Topics in Neuroscience”, and others, we ran small research investigations, including experimental design, that were distinct from standard ‘lab time’. The majority of my research coursework followed my interest in microglia.

Teaching Experience

Instructor - Kaplan Test Prep | 2008 - 2015

I taught classes for MCAT, PCAT, OAT, DAT, GRE, LSAT, ACT, and SAT; teaching these courses required 95th percentile or higher scoring on the relevant test as well as a presentation skills evaluation. These classes ranged from eight hour per day intensive coursework with a handful of students to twice weekly online courses with hundreds of students. At Kaplan, I helped over a thousand students reach their goal of acceptance into the school of their choice. Further, I helped develop new learning programs within Kaplan.

Electrophysiology Workshop - National Institutes of Health

Along with several colleagues, I created and organized a three day workshop that is lead by myself and another on an annual basis at the NIH. The class is for those looking to explore electrophysiology further and is generally attended by physicians, researchers, and other government employees, though it is open to the public.

Electrophysiology Workshop - Blackrock Microsystems

With two other colleagues, I created the content and program for an electrophysiology workshop covering Blackrock Microsystems’ equipment. This workshop is held three times a year and attended by 10-12 principle investigators and students; the subjects range from electrophysiology signal architecture to programming to electromagnetic shielding techniques.


Wilderness Cleanup | Cirque Series | 2024

Cleaning up the mountain with trail runners.

Organizer | Utah Entrepreneur and Business Network | 2021-2023

I am the organizer of the Utah Entrepreneur and Business Network, a group of approximately 2,000 business owners and wantrepreneurs that meet for networking and educational events. I organize panels, workshops, and mastermind groups to help founders in Utah succeed.

Chapter Founder | NeuroTechX | 2020-2022

I founded the Salt Lake City chapter of NeuroTechX, an organization that fosters community building, network opportunities, and personal and professional education in the field of neurotechnology and neuroengineering. 

Hospital Response Team | Rape Recovery Center | 2020-2022

I am a member of the hospital response team at the Rape Recovery Center. In this role, I serve as an advocate for survivors of sexual assault when they are navigating the legal and medical systems within a hospital post-trauma.

Programming for Neuroscience | Westminster College | 2015

I created an after-hours educational series at Westminster College that expanded upon the limited computer science and programming opportunities at Westminster for neuroscience program students.

St. Mark's Hospital | 2010-2013

When looking for volunteer opportunities, I wanted to gain more experience in hospital workflows. At St. Mark’s I volunteered in both the ER and Front Desk positions, helping physicians, nurses, patients, and visitors alike.

Tutor Chat Live | 2010-2013

I volunteered to tutor, through online meetings, students that could not afford a tutor, but required individual help in math or science.

R-Hands Microfinance| 2012

My work at R-Hands was primarily in education and fundraising to help establish microfinance business centers in rural villages in Africa.



B.S. Neuroscience, Chemistry, and Biology | Westminster College | 2012

Triple major in neuroscience and adjacent sciences.

Thesis: Inhibition of microglial activation utilizing extracellular G-cascade protein blockers remediates the collateral damage effect of the foreign body response

Additional Coursework and Certifications

Growing Private Businesses | Darden | 2020

Strategies and case studies of private business growth at small, medium, and large company sizes. Focus on multi-point strategies to scale up people and processes.

Fundamentals of Business Analysis | Udemy | 2015

This course covered methods of evaluating aspects of a business such as evaluating process efficiency, work output, customer spend, marketing lifecycles, etc. 


For non-academic publications, see my Medium page or LinkedIn publications.

Society for Neuroscience Meeting | 2019

Halper, N., Dryden, C., Sorenson, M., Gerhardt, M., Solzbacher, F., Franklin, R. (2019). A wearable, high channel count, digitizing, neural signal amplifier for microelectrode recordings in humans. Society for Neuroscience (522.16)

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | 2013

Costa, R., Naylor, E., CHoles, J., Halper, N., Rutishauser, S. & Ellis, L. (2013). Individual differences in orienting sensitivity modulate event related potentials and reaction times in a modified attention network task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (72). 

Journal of Vision | 2012

Costa, R., Medeiros-Ward, N., Halper, N., Helm, L., & Maloney, A. (2012). The shifting and dividing of attention between visual and auditory tasks. Journal of Vision, 12(9), 1032.

Podcasts and Interviews

Host | Neurratives Podcast | 2021 - Present

Stephen Hou and I discuss a work of fiction that involves neuroscience in some way. Together, we dig into the plot, unpack the science/technology, and if necessary, mercilessly roast the filmmakers for scientific or cinematic missteps.

Guest | Neural Implant Podcast | 2021

Nick Halper is a cofounder of Braingrade, where he and his team are developing a brain-computer interface to reverse the cognitive deficits associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Before founding Braingrade, he worked at Blackrock Microsystems as a project manager on the product, support, engineering and software teams. In today’s episode, Nick talks about his transition from academia to industry and then from leaving a stable job to joining an early-stage startup in the middle of a pandemic. He also talks about the work he is doing with his new company, Braingrade.

Episode Link

Guest | Neurotech Pub | 2021

In this episode, podcast host and Paradromics CEO, Matt Angle brings together memory-researchers Nanthia Suthana (Assist. Prof. of Neurosurgery and Bioengineering, UCLA School of Medicine) and Gyorgy Buzsaki (Biggs Professor of Neuroscience, NYU School of Medicine), and scientist-entrepreneurs Dan Rizzuto (CEO of Nia Therapeutics) and Nick Halper (Co-Founder of Braingrade) to discuss memory.

Episode Link

Recent Presentations

ROH | 2024

Collaboration in neuroscience.

Many | 2024

Scalable education programs.

Neurotech | 2022

Market and Investment Trends in Neurotechnology

Neurotech Leader's Forum | 2021

Neuromodulation for cognitive enhancement in Alzheimer’s Disease patients. 

Neurotech Planet | 2021

The future of deep brain stimulation for disorders of cognition.

Neurotech Leader's Forum | 2020

Announcing the launch of Braingrade.

Neurotech Conference | 2020

Diseases of aging and the role of neuromodulation in longevity. 

Spike Con | 2019

A history of brain computer interfaces and how they are presented in science fiction. The role that science fiction plays in influencing technology and vice versa. 

Neurotech Leader's Forum | 2018

The importance of monolithic designs and flexible circuits in implantable sensors for wireless electrophysiology for brain computer interfaces and semi-chronic applications. 

Neuroscience Lecture Series at Weber | 2018

Electrophysiology crash course and overview of electrophysiology careers.

HI-Gear Program at University of Utah | 2017

The HI-Gear program encourages women to enter STEM fields by educating them on educational and career pathways to get there. Covered the many pathways to enter multi-disciplinary fields such as brain computer interfaces.


Public Speaking - Presentations

I’ve taught and spoken in front of audiences of thousands, lead workshops teaching others how to deliver great presentations, and helped many become more authentic on stage whether that’s in front of an audience or a meeting room at work.


I think the best leaders do so through example, motivating their team by demonstrating their own passion. I have created team management tools that have been adopted by hundreds of colleagues, and I have used the same tools within my own teams to drive increased productivity, expanded skillsets and scope, and earn myself 100% approval ratings from my employees.

Problem Solving

My work in live surgical support for neural interfaces constantly presented me with complex issues that spanned software, electrical and mechanical engineering while all being worked on through communication with others. Working in tandem with teams of engineers, we have solved difficult problems ranging from electronics miniaturization to complex software architectures to troubleshooting mixed signal data artifacts.


I have gone on to leverage and hone this skillset in technical writing for test protocols and regulatory submissions as well as more traditional writing in the form of business plans, website copy, and marketing communications.


I have written multiple commercial software packages. I have corrected bugs in tools such at MATLAB by modifying its underlying Java framework. I also have experience in Python, HTML/CSS, and Javascript, including frameworks such as React Native where I have published several mobile applications, including technical support apps and games. I have some experience in C++ and Assembly.


A non-exhaustive list of publications in which I was thanked or acknowledged for contribution, but was not an author.

Science | 2020

Chen, X., Wang, F., Fernandez, E., & Roelfsema, P. R. (2020). Shape perception via a high-channel-count neuroprosthesis in monkey visual cortex. Science, 370(6521), 1191-1196.

Nature | 2018

Wittig, J. H., Jang, A. I., Cocjin, J. B., Inati, S. K., & Zaghloul, K. A. (2018). Attention improves memory by suppressing spiking-neuron activity in the human anterior temporal lobe. Nature neuroscience, 21(6), 808-810.

Honors and Awards

National Society of Leadership and Success | Westminster College | 2008-2012

Presidential Scholarship | Westminster College | 2008-2012

Academic Competitiveness Grant | Westminster College | 2008-2012

Eccles Scholarship | Westminster College | 2008-2012

Academic Competitiveness Grant | Westminster College | 2008-2012

Sterling Scholar: Science | 2008