Ethics and Values

  • I think unbound information is the most important and equitable practice out there. I strongly believe that more information should be transparent, useable, and accessible. People, governments, and entities that restrict access to facts, truth, and raw data are among the most evil out there, and anti-information and misinformation campaigns are the greatest sign of corruption. I am a strong supporter of information transparency within and between companies and support things like patent pools, open-source tools, and large collaborations with free data sharing.

  • Sustainability can be defined in many ways. In this case, I refer to material and personnel resources. I think that people should live, work, eat, buy, travel, and build with a focus on continuation/sustainability at all times. Despite living and working in a high-tech and wealthy environment, I’d rather see sustainability over explosive growth and temporary QoL measures.

  • We win when others do. If my neighbor is informed, provided opportunities, and supported, then I reap the benefits of what they build and develop. If my neighbor is poor, downtrodden, and manipulated, then I live amongst threatened and sad people. I think actions should be taken that lead to the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people. We should seek to even out experiences so that there are no exceptionally low ‘scores’ for human flourishing in our population. This is not just bleeding heart kindness, it is a winning strategy for all.