I like designing board games.

I’ve designed board games both as a co-designer at my co-owned company, Dark Flight Games, and as a guest designer for others.

My favorite thing about board games is that they are a self-contained shared experience that force people to operate in a new set of rules. It is all the fun of learning how a new system works, compressed into a social experience, wrapped in competition. For this reason, I like learning new games almost as much as I like playing them. To that end, I enjoy complex games with high weight ratings. Some of my favorite games are John Company, Gaia Project/Clans of Caledonia, the Pax Series, and Wavelength.

I find that boardgames speak to my philosophy on work and business as well. Play, curiosity, and exploration are the most powerful modes to be in when working and building things with others, and boardgames cultivate this attitude. If I am interviewing you and you want to swap our interview for a game together instead, I will always abide.

My BoardGameGeek profile and designer page can be found here.